KBS WORLD Arabic - الصبر جميل (April 16, 2021)

Subtitles: Arabic

عرض خاص لأغنية "روللين" للمعجبين العرب

English translation

(I don't know the names of Arab fans, so I put them down as Korean. Sorry)

Q: How are you doing these days? You must be busy, right?
YN: Yes, but we're so grateful for being busy, thinking about not busy days before. 
Q: You guys look happy. Great. Many Arab fans have been waiting for BG. 
MY: Is it early in the morning now in the Arab area?
Q: Yeah, with all that, comments of many Arab fans keep coming in right now. Did you know that BG has fans in Arab area?
YN: Yes, they always send direct messages or leave comments on our social media live. But, I've always felt very sorry because I did not learn Arabic and I was not able to answer those comments. That's why this KBS world Youtube live is such a good opportunity for us to communicate with Arab fans. 
Q: I also hope you guys have a good time communicating with Arab fans. 아마니 from Algeria has sent a message, "BG are getting popularity as fast as virus. I'm so proud of BG. You guys made your dream come true, and I'm really looking forward to your next album! 화이팅!"
MY: Thank you! 슈크란~~
Q: A fan named 바얏리 sang Rollin. Let's take a listen.
Song came out
MY: Wow, she's a great singer!
YN: Her pronunciation is so good!
Q: You haven't heard your Arab fans singing your song before?
EJ: No, I've heard it for the first time!
Q: It sounded like they sang together. 
YN: I could hear some chorus, too.
MY: They are amazing!
Q: 아프라 from Kuwait sent a message, too. "I've been waiting for the interview with BG since 2017. How did you feel when Rollin jumped to #1 on music streaming charts? And can you guys sing my favorite song, 서두르지마?"
EJ: We've never heard that there's a fan who likes 서두르지마 very much. The fan must've listened to the whole of our songs. This song is not well-known. 
Q: The song was in the album of 2017. Could you sing part of the song?
MY: (Singing 서두르지마)
Q: Thank you. 아프라 is taking the final exam soon. This means a lot to him/her.
BG: 화이팅! Hopefully, you do great in the finals!
Q: Thank you. Now, we're gonna talk about the legendary song, Rollin! What was your first response to this song when you guys got this song?
EJ: On hearing Rollin first, I thought it was really good. All the BG members believed that this song was gonna be a huge success. But, when we learned choreography and concept images of this song, we thought they were a little incompatible. As a matter fact, we felt sad in 2017. 
Q: Ironically, it's the dance movement that went viral this much! In those days, you guys didn't expect at all that the choreography won popularity and benefit you guys right now. 
BG: No, we didn't.
Q: You had about 50 morale-boosting concerts in military (Actually BG had about 100 concerts in military including the stages that were not aired on 국방 TV) and soldiers really loved it and they also danced together. How did you feel?
MY: It was not enthusiastic much at first. I don't remember exactly when it was, but I found there are more and more soldiers dacing Ray dance(가오리 춤) together. And we asked them to react to our songs, like "Hey" to "Rollin Rollin Rollin." Then, soldiers did it in loud voices, which felt exciting and we had a great time on stages. 
Q: Those years contributed to your success today, I think. You suddenly became popular overnight, but I've heard you had a little concern. 
MY: Yes, we had. BG is well-known for the big difference of appearances between seasons. We had to show our dance right away, and we all worried about the weight and how we were gonna look (on screens).
Q: What did you do about it?
MY: Actually, we had no choice but to show ourselves as we were. 
Q: But, what's the difference? I hardly notice that you gained weight. 
MY: For a month while we've been through many shows, we lost weight a little.
YN: We've only reduced the puffiness now. 
MY: Our fans were worried about the weight loss, so they told us not to go on a extreme diet. They were like, "BG has a lot work to do, so make sure not to skip meals!" So, we are eating well.
Q: Speaking of diet, there are comments about Ramadan. It's starting from tomorrow and Muslims keep fasting for a month. So, fans ask whether you tell them, "Congratulations on Ramadan~"
BG: 라마단 카림~ 화이팅!
Q: Your Koreans fans are also celebrating Ramadan now in the chatting room. I think it's time to listen to Rollin. How about singing it in Arabic today? 난타디르큠 babe~
BG: 난타디르큠 babe just only you~
Q: Perfect! It sounded so natural that that was part of original lyrics. Thank you. Along with Rollin, "We Ride" is grabbing a higher spot in music streaming chart, too. Can you tell us about We Ride?
EJ: The song is about a couple in a car. They are stuck in a rut and the air is heavy. It's a City-Pop and good to listen at summer nights. 
Q: When I didn't care about the lyrics, I thought that it was about focusing on driving itself. But, later I found the lyrics was about a couple having the seven-year itch. So, there is something more interesting about the lyrics. 
Now, we're gonna have "a moment" to introduce BG to Arab fans. Can you introduce the member right next to you? 
YJ: MY is the main vocalist of BG, so she's a really great singer. 
MY: That's all?
YJ: 'Cause she said "a moment!"
MY: YN next to me is Mangnae(the youngest) of BG, and she's in charge of Girl-crush(girl boss) in BG.
Q: Fans keep talking about YN's hair. Today, Yuna's hair is not bobbed. 
YN: Oh, right. 
Q: Fans are like, "Fantastic"
YN: EJ next to me has big eyes. That's why she's called, "Sir. Big Eyes." She makes me feel like taking good care of her. She takes good care of me, too. 
MY: Wow, such a heartwarming comment. It's unusual. What's up with you, YN?
YN: It's only one time. I felt that I should say a good thing about her this time. 
EJ: My beloved YJ looks exactly like Squirtle, so cute. Contrary to her cute face, she is very down to earth and super-hilarious. But, she's also very considerate and speaks English well. 
Q: Then, YJ, can you say something in English to Arab fans?
YJ: Hi, we wanna see you after the end of this Covid(-19). And we love you~ (with kiss) 
(YN mimics YJ, we love you~)
Q: We're getting, "Love you" comments from fans right now. 
I've heard that you guys almost finished the preparation of your new album. Can you tell us your plan afterwards?
MY: In fact, we didn't get our next album ready yet. We didn't listen to any song in next album. 
Q: It was your management that was set to go. 
YJ: We learned it from news article. 
MY: We've been busy doing many shows for a month. We can't wait to see our new album, either. Soon, we will be back with lively and exciting songs. 
Q: I heard you guys wanted to be summer queens. I hope that this summer will be BG's days! 
There's an Arabic saying, "아싸부르 자밀."
BG: 아싸부르 자밀
Q: Good pronunciation! It means "perseverance is beautiful!" I think if this phase were a human being, it should be Brave Girls! because you proved the beauty of perseverance. And BG brought hope to many people. (She said, BG became the icon of hope.) As the icon of hope, I wish BG could be with people for good. 
MY: Thank you. We'll do our best. 
Q: Why don't you share your energy with Arab fans by saying some positive words? There are comments that ask you guys to say something in Arabic. 
YJ: I wish I could speak Arabic, but....  
MY: Can you teach us some Arabic?
Q: They will be glad to hear your Arabic. They are like, "Please learn Arabic." (Teaching Arabic to BG)
BG: 누잇부큼 보싸 보싸
Q: Please, one more comment before wrap-up.
EJ: I really enjoyed this chance to communicate with Arab fans. I'm really sorry for not reading Arabic comments coming in. I will learn some of Arabic and try to speak Arabic next time. Give us love and thank you~ 보싸
YN: I really had a great time communicating with Arab fans. Next time, I will memorize more Arabic and try to speak. 보싸.
Q: It would be much better if you guys visit there and see them in person, next time!
BG: True! True! I really wanna go there.
MY: I've not had a chance to see Arab fans, but today this interview was a great time to talk to Arab fans. And, Muslims are starting Ramadan tomorrow. I think it's really wonderful. It's never easy. I'm rooting for you guys. 라마단 카림! 
YJ: We really wanna see you soon. Thank you. (She barely slept last night, I think.)
Q: Arab fans are like, "보싸 sounds pretty." Korean fans are like, "보쌈?" (one of Korean cuisine)
Let's say, 라마단 카림 to celebrate Ramadan beginning tomorrow. 
BG: 라마단 카림~


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